Press Release

Sequoia Capital China joined hands with “Super Professors” of Hong Kong universities to co-found the Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform and X Technology Foundation


The launching ceremony of the “Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform and X Technology Foundation” was successfully held on 19th July 2016 in Hong Kong.


Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform and X Technology Foundation aim at exploring the potential of technological innovations among Hong Kong young entrepreneurs and supporting the knowledge transfer from university laboratories to real market. They are co-founded by Sequoia Capital China (“Sequoia”) represented by Mr. Neil Shen, Founding and Managing Partner of Sequoia, Prof. Zexiang Li of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (“HKUST”) and Prof. Guanhua Chen of The University of Hong Kong (“HKU”) together with more than ten “Super Professors” in Hong Kong.


Vice Chairman of the National Committee of CPPCC (The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) Mr. Tung Chee-Hwa, Chief Executive Mr. Chun Ying Leung and Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Mr. Xiaoming Zhang, attended the launching ceremony as guests of honour. As members of the advisory board Mr. Pony Ma, Chairman and CEO of Tencent Holdings Limited, Prof. Lap-Chee Tsui, President of the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong and Prof. Tony Chan, President of HKUST launched the Platform and Foundation at the ceremony. Mr. Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, as well as other guests of honour, representatives of local universities and organizations, young entrepreneurs and university students attended the launching ceremony.


Mr. Neil Shen introduced the Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform in his speech: “X symbolizes the future, infinity and imagination. Sequoia is dedicated to help the young generation to broaden their horizons, promote a technological entrepreneurial culture, support and incubate technology startups in Hong Kong. The Platform creates a framework consisting of Funding, a Startup Research Institute and an NGO. It connects the established professors, young students and technology with capital, encourages entrepreneurship among younger generation in Hong Kong, promotes knowledge transfer and helps the tech startups with guidance offered by these “super professors” in their respective professional fields.”


Mr. CY Leung remarked that the government has been working on the promotion of innovative high-tech industry by establishing the Innovation and Technology Bureau in November last year. Alongside the innovation fund from the government, the universities also need support from private enterprises. One of the missions of the Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform is to raise the profile of innovation industries in Hong Kong, and make Hong Kong an important element in the “One Belt, One Road” mission. “One country, two systems” is of dual advantage for Hong Kong. We should seize the opportunity of the “mass entrepreneurship and innovation” movement promoted by central government, and make good use of the talent, venture capital, technology and innovation in Hong Kong and mainland China to boost economic cooperation and explore the overseas market. Young people in Hong Kong should grab the opportunity, use their imagination and creativities to kick start the world's leading technology enterprises in Hong Kong, uplift local high-tech industry, and in this endeavour Hong Kong and mainland China should form a win-win partnership to explore together the oversea market.


Mr. Xiaoming Zhang remarked that the young generation is the future and hope. We will decide the future by winning the young people, over which is an important task of significant value. Hong Kong is neighbouring to Shenzhen, where a high-tech innovation ecosystem has been well-established. The Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform is expected to integrate all relevant ingredients, and work together with Shenzhen to maximize the synergistic effects. “This is a good time for the young generation.” Mr. Zhang looked forward to witnessing the leap forward of Hong Kong’s high-tech on the world stage.


Prof. Zexiang Li noted that the mentors are the experts and successful entrepreneurs in promising technical areas including big data/artificial intelligence, materials/energy, robotics, microelectronics, biotechnology, medicine, fintech and more.


The Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform is expected to support 120 Early-Stage Projects and 50 Angel Projects in the next four years. In addition, Sequoia will commit 2-3 million Hong Kong dollars to X Technology Foundation annually, to promote technology innovation culture and ecosystem in Hong Kong.


Sun Hung Kai Properties will be offering rent-free office space, of about 10,000 sq ft, to support young entrepreneurs under the Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform.


Mr. Pony Ma, Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform mentioned that Hong Kong has been going through economic reconstruction in the past decades, from manufacturing to trading, and to finance. He believes that the transformation to high-tech economy is inevitable for Hong Kong, and suggested that young entrepreneurs make use of the Platform to seek co-operators and funding support. Meanwhile, he pointed out that a cross fertilization of two different industries may lead to new opportunities.


As Mr. Neil Shen mentioned, “Entrepreneurship among the younger generation is the new engine of economic growth. As the ‘Entrepreneur behind the Entrepreneur’, Sequoia knows how the independent and innovative spirits can make profound and significant contributions to society and economy. Besides the Hong Kong X-Technology Fund, we would like to make a humble effort for Hong Kong’s future to help establish a non-profit organization, the X Technology Foundation.


Over 300 guests participated in the event. Many of them were students and young entrepreneurs from different universities and organizations in Hong Kong. The mentors and entrepreneurs gathered to discuss the potential projects after the ceremony.


Additional Information: Brief introduction of Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform:


1) Fund (the power of capital): integrate mentors, students and technology.
2) Startup Research Platform (professional manner): technology transfer + mentors’ guidance + incubator.
3) Startup NGO (sustainable support): young entrepreneur activities funded by Sequoia Capital China + pragmatic support of entrepreneurship, to create a friendly ecosystem in Hong Kong.

updated at 12:58, Jul 21, 2016

創立「HONGKONG X科技創業平台」


(本報訊)為發掘香港青年的創新創業潛力、支持科技研發由校園實驗室走向廣闊市場,紅杉資本全球執行合夥人沈南鵬先生、香港科技大學李澤湘教授、香港大學陳冠華教授發起,並聯合本港高校科技界十餘位科技超級大咖,共同成立了「HONGKONG X科技創業平台暨青年創業服務系統」。該平台成立的啟動儀式於7月19日在香港舉行。




HONGKONG X科技創業平台主席、紅杉資本全球執行合夥人沈南鵬先生介紹:「X」代表了「未來、無限、想像力」,也蘊含著紅杉中國致力於幫助香港年輕人拓寬視野、擁抱科技、感受創業精彩的決心。HONGKONG X科技創業平台創造性地打造了「基金+創業平台研究院+創業支持公益機構」的框架,運用「資本的力量」,將「超級教授」 、「青年學生」 、「科技創新」有機連結,有效運用香港科技領域頂尖教授的專業能力,引導在港青年創業,致力於科研成果的產業轉化,務實地幫助創業項目走向市場。


香港特區行政長官梁振英先生表示,政府一直大力推動香港創新科技業的發展,故在去年11月份成立創新及科技發展局。政府設立了創新資金為大學提供資助,同時需要私人企業的大力支持。「香港X科技創業平台」的使命之一,是通過提升香港的創新產業,使香港成為國家「一帶一路」走出去的重要力量。香港有「一國」和「兩制」的雙重優勢,加上國家大力提倡「大眾創業、萬眾創新」,香港要用好這些機遇,善用兩地的人才、資金、技術和創意,加強合作,共同探索海外市場。 希望香港青年人把握機會,發揮科研創造力,為香港培養世界一流科技企業,提升香港創新產業,共同探索海外市場,互利雙贏。






據瞭解,HONGKONG X 基金計畫在未來4年中,將支持120個早期項目,50多個天使專案。除基金外,創業支援公益機構將由紅杉中國提供捐助扶持,每年將投入200-300萬港幣,目的是瞄準本港青年科技創新熱點,深度激發香港科技創業基因,整合資源打造香港創業的生態體系。在創業場所方面,新鴻基地產作為Hong Kong X創業工作空間贊助機構,將免費為青年創業者提供近一萬呎的場地,助推初創期企業。


騰訊主席兼首席執行官、X科技創業平台榮譽主席馬化騰先生在致辭中表示, 香港過去一直在不斷地轉型,從製造業,到外貿,再到金融,相信未來科技產業是香港轉型的必經之路。他建議年輕創業者利用好創業平台,尋找合作夥伴,對接資本;同時,他指兩個產業跨界的部分往往最有可能誕生創新的機會,值得創業者關注。


正如沈南鵬先生會上所述: 「青年人是社會的未來及棟樑,青年人自主創業是助推經濟增長的新引擎。作為創業者背後的創業者,紅杉中國深知青年人自立自強、自主創新的精神對於個體發展和社會發展的深刻意義。我們成立創業支援公益機構,希望為香港美好的未來盡綿薄之力」。



附:關於HONGKONG X科技創業平台簡要介紹:

  • 基金(資本的力量)——將“導師”“學生”“科技”通過“資本的鏈接”有機地融為整體。
  • 創業平台研究院(專業的方式)——科技轉化產品+導師指導+物理孵化器。
  • 創業支持公益機構(持續的保障)——紅杉中國公益捐助扶持青年創業活動+為創新創業提供務實的幫助,打造良好的生態體系。
